These are some KiCad designed projects that have been made by users. If you want to be featured along the other showcases on this page please submit a merge request on GitLab if you meet the contributing guidelines for requirements on adding a project!
An open source all-in-one Arduino compatible reflow controller powered by ATtiny1634R.
Tokay Lite is the ESP32 camera development board ideal for low-power image processing applications on the edge.
Tokay Lite can be used as standalone devkit to aid developers with a convinient tool or be embedded in the bigger system to augument it with the vision and image processing data.
ToucheLibre is an ergonomic wooden keyboard. Designed under openhardware philosophie and with ecological sensitivity.
Be the luthier of your writings.
This is a summary of our values: to make a beautifull artisanal objet; an useful object in according to your needs and your health; to give an artistic look to inspire your work; a handshaking between craftsman and customer.
Another nixie clock joining the internet of things. Using IN14 nixie tubes, an ESP12e or alternatively a DS3231 RTC.
Ubertooth One is an open source 2.4 GHz wireless development platform suitable for Bluetooth experimentation.
The first open source satellite
UPSat is a 2U Cubesat satellite constructed and delivered by Libre Space Foundation, started by University of Patras as part of the upsatQB50 mission with ID GR-02.
The USB armory from Inverse Path is an open source hardware design, implementing a flash drive sized computer.
The compact USB powered device provides a platform for developing and running a variety of applications.
The USB armory from Inverse Path is an open source hardware design, implementing a flash drive sized computer.
The compact USB powered device provides a platform for developing and running a variety of applications.
VB-IoT1 aims at providing a compact all-in-one solution. Due to popularity and support of open source community (software and hardware), we equipped our board with a high speed ARM-core, SIM900 (or SIM800F) and Atmega processor. The board can be used as a Linux embedded platform with GSM connection, an Arduino board with SIM900 (or SIM800F) shield, a standalone GSM shield, a full scale Android board. Additionally it has the LCD connectors, and touch screen support.