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Development Board Projects



Saturn is an easy to use FPGA Development board featuring Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA. Saturn is specially designed for experimenting and learning system design with FPGAs.

This development board features Xilinx XC6SLX series FPGA with FTDI’s FT2232H Dual-Channel USB device. The high speed USB 2.0 interface provides fast and easy configuration download to the on-board SPI flash. No programmer or special downloader cable is needed to download the bit stream to the board.

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Boltz R&D

Dive into the heart of innovation with SmartPrintCoreH7x, a groundbreaking open-source 3D printer mainboard designed with passion for the community and a clear focus on durability, reliability, and ease of use. Born from a vision to empower makers, tinkerers, and engineers around the globe, SmartPrintCoreH7x prepares to stand as a beacon of collaborative development in the 3D printing world

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Tokay Lite: ESP32 Edge AI Camera


Tokay Lite is the ESP32 camera development board ideal for low-power image processing applications on the edge.

Tokay Lite can be used as standalone devkit to aid developers with a convinient tool or be embedded in the bigger system to augument it with the vision and image processing data.

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VB-IoT1 aims at providing a compact all-in-one solution. Due to popularity and support of open source community (software and hardware), we equipped our board with a high speed ARM-core, SIM900 (or SIM800F) and Atmega processor. The board can be used as a Linux embedded platform with GSM connection, an Arduino board with SIM900 (or SIM800F) shield, a standalone GSM shield, a full scale Android board. Additionally it has the LCD connectors, and touch screen support.

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Vimdrones AM32 ESC development board

Huibean Luo

Vimdrones AM32 ESC Development Board is designed for the AM32 open-source ESC project, featuring a built-in motor and CAN port for seamless development and testing with DroneCAN

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