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macOS Downloads

The current stable release of KiCad is supported on macOS 12 and newer. See System Requirements for more details.

Stable Release

Current Version: 9.0.0

Previous Releases

Previous releases are available for download on:

Testing Builds

The testing builds are snapshots of the current stable release codebase at a specific time. These contain the most recent changes that will be included in the next bugfix release in the current stable series. For example, if the current stable release is 9.0.0, these builds will contain changes destined for version 9.0.1.

Nightly Development Builds

The nightly development builds are snapshots of the development (master branch) codebase at a specific time. This codebase is under active development, and while we try our best, may contain more bugs than usual. New features added to KiCad can be tested in these builds.

Warning Please read Nightly Builds and Release Candidates for important information about the risks and drawbacks of using nightly builds.

KiCad nightly development builds are supported on macOS 12 and newer. See System Requirements for more details.