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Docs Team

The Docs Team works on writing and maintaining documentation. Documentation includes both the KiCad application and the website.

We are always looking for volunteers who are interested in contributing to the KiCad documentation project.

The first thing to do before anything is to join the KiCad Documentation Mailing List. You can also join the IRC channel if you have questions. Usually, there are multiple KiCad developers, documenters and users in the channel.

Most of the action takes place on two repositories on GitLab.

What are the tasks we are working on?

  • Authoring

  • Screenshot production

  • Proofreading

  • Translating

  • Documenting new features

We welcome everyone who can contribute in a positive way to the official documentation. This could be any of the above mentioned points.

Simply fork the repositories linked above on GitLab and submit a merge request with changes for review.

The reference language of the documentation and the official language of the program is English.

If your mother tongue is different from English you can still contribute to the documentation effort translating the program and/or the documentation.

We suggest to start translating the program. There is also a very nice KiCad GUI Translation HOWTO.