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Status Updates

Post 5.0 notes

It is already a week since 5.0 has been released, meaning it is a good moment to sum up the release. Many Windows users have reported problems, most frequently related to wxWidgets assert dialogs showing up in pcbnew. The problem has been resolved, therefore if you still experience any issues please reinstall KiCad using the current Windows installer. There is still one problem that has appeared very late in the 5.
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2015 Release Candidate Branch and RC1

We are pleased to announce that KiCad has finally made a 2015 release branch. The 2015 stable release of KiCad will start from version 4.0.0. Currently we are in the release candidate phase and as such BZR 6188 is now known as 4.0.0 RC1. The 4.0 branch can be found here: KiCad 4.0 Branch The RC1 branch has been packaged as a archive available here: KiCad 4.0.0 RC1 Archive
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