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$128,000 TOTAL

2023 End of Year Fund Drive

It is that time of year again! The KiCad project is excited to announce our 2023 end of year funding drive. With the release of KiCad version 8.0 just around the corner, we are looking forward to the next year of development. Our supporters' contributions have done more to build the features of version 8 than any other source of funding. With your help, we can make version 9 better than ever! Our year end donation campaign begins this year a bit later than usual, on January 10th.

Direct funding of the KiCad project drives some of the most important features that make KiCad the most used EDA tool in the world. Your donations help us to pay for the development of new features, bug fixes, and improvements to the user experience. We are also able to use your donations to pay for the infrastructure that keeps the project running. This includes the website, the forum, the bug tracker, and the continuous integration system that builds KiCad for all of the platforms that we support.

This year, we are excited to offer an exclusive KiCad T-shirt to our monthly sustaining donors. This is a super-comfortable, high quality, 100% cotton t-shirt with a unique design that is only available to our donors. Monthly donors are eligible to receive a shirt after they have donated a total of at least 60 USD in 2024.

Figure 1. Monthly Donor T-Shirt

If your company would like to sponsor matching donations during the 2023 funding drive, please contact us at [email protected], we have a few dates remaining available for sponsorship this year!

See Also

Malicious Site Warning

The KiCad team has become aware of an unknown actor running Google Ads pointing to a clone of the official site. This site serves an unknown payload targeting Windows when the Download button on the front page is clicked. Unforunately, due to the nature of this attack, the options for action by the KiCad team remain limited. We advise users to remain diligent on the internet. In particular it is best to never click Sponsored Links in Google Search results as the KiCad team does not spend money on advertising.

CERN Support Changes

CERN has recently announced a change in their support of the KiCad project. They are stopping the KiCad donations program and are now paying for KiCad support contracts directly with KiCad Services Corporation. The full announcement is available on the CERN & Society Foundation website. The KiCad project would like thank CERN for all of their contributions. Their generosity has allowed the KiCad project rapidly progress to where it is today.