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$128,000 TOTAL

Malicious Site Warning

The KiCad team has become aware of an unknown actor running Google Ads pointing to a clone of the official site. This site serves an unknown payload targeting Windows when the Download button on the front page is clicked.

Unforunately, due to the nature of this attack, the options for action by the KiCad team remain limited.

We advise users to remain diligent on the internet. In particular it is best to never click Sponsored Links in Google Search results as the KiCad team does not spend money on advertising.

KiCad continues to operate from and all Windows downloads remain codesigned with our EV Certificate for verification.

We have a guide for verifying downloads on Windows here:

Which should be used with the listed verification signatures here:

See Also

CERN Support Changes

CERN has recently announced a change in their support of the KiCad project. They are stopping the KiCad donations program and are now paying for KiCad support contracts directly with KiCad Services Corporation. The full announcement is available on the CERN & Society Foundation website. The KiCad project would like thank CERN for all of their contributions. Their generosity has allowed the KiCad project rapidly progress to where it is today.

KiCad Asia Conference 2023 Announcement

The KiCad project is excited to announce the first annual KiCad Asia Conference (KiCon Asia) in Shenzhen, China on Sunday November 12th. The conference will be held at the Aliyun Innovation Center. This conference is geared towards KiCad users in Asia. There will be talks from users of all skill levels as well as members of the KiCad Lead Development Team. The conference keynote talk will be given by Wayne Stambaugh, the KiCad project leader.