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$128,000 TOTAL

KiCad's 2020 End of Year Fund Drive

As 2020 draws to a close, the KiCad Project would like to express our deep gratitude to our community for your support and engagement over the past year. Now, more than ever, the benefits of a truly open and free EDA design platform are needed to share ideas, designs and support, inside your team and around the world.

Community Development

Many opportunities to connect in person have had to be postponed, canceled or changed. We were able to meet in February for FOSDEM but we missed conferences at FOSSASIA, the Open Hardware Summit and KiCon 2020. Next year, we are looking forward to online conferences at FOSDEM 2021, FOSSASIA 2021 and the 2021 Open Hardware Summit. While we don’t know what the world’s situation will look like by fall, we are hoping to relaunch in-person KiCon in Sept 2021.

Funding Drive

Thanks to a generous donation from KiCad Services Corporation, we are currently running a matching donation campaign through January 15th. All donations to KiCad through the Linux Foundation will be matched dollar for dollar by KiCad Services up to $10,000. Your donations help the KiCad project to fund development, documentation, UI/UX work, community building and more! Please consider donating today and make your contribution to KiCad go further than ever.

See Also, the permanent internet home of KiCad

Thanks to a generous donation by Digi-Key, the KiCad project is now found at the domain. The domain provides a stable, clear home for the KiCad project. We are extremely grateful to Digi-Key for their support of KiCad. is now under control of an unknown entity the project has no relationship with. All previous links are unforunately broken.

KiCad and the Open Ventilator Project

The KiCad project is proud of our role as the electronic design application used by the Open Ventilator project. The Open Ventilator project is based on a release of the Medtronic PB560 ventilator mentioned in this Make article. The Open Ventilator project clearly demonstrates the potential of open hardware. The project was started by KiCad Services lead developer Seth Hillbrand early in the COVID-19 pandemic. It quickly gained more than 100 contributors from all over the world.