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KiCad Lead Developer Announcement

I don’t normally post blog announcements in the first person but I’m going to make an exception since this is rather important. This will also be my first blog post that isn’t good news. I guess it was bound to happen sooner or later. I regret to inform everyone that I found out earlier this month that my employment with WIT will be terminated effective October 31st. I am not at liberty to discuss the details as to why my employment was terminated but can say that I had nothing to do with the decision. I know that it’s not the best situation in the world for the project or me personally but I am going to do everything in my power to continue to work full time on KiCad. In the short term, I will continue working on KiCad while pursuing as many avenues as possible to generate enough revenue to allow me to continue to work full time on KiCad. You should expect more announcements in the not to distant future. The long term prospects are not as clear so I will keep everyone informed as I know more. Thank you everyone for your continued support of the KiCad project.



See Also

First Annual KiCad Conference (KiCon) Wrap Up

For those of you who did not have the good fortune of being able to attend KiCon, you missed a great conference. If this years conference was any indication, you will not want to miss the next one. The conference completely sold out with 220 registrations. Attendees from all over the world gathered to share their experiences with KiCad. There were high quality talks, the badges were cool, everything ran smoothly, mHUB was the ideal venue, and the after hours events were a whole lot of (maybe too much) fun.

Full Time Project Leader Announcement

For those of you who did not have the good fortune to attend KiCon (more on that in a later post), there was a major project announcement made by the project leader during the keynote talk. The KiCad project is excited to announce that the lead developer, Wayne Stambaugh, has been hired by WIT to work full time on KiCad. On behalf of The KiCad development team and its users, we would like to say thank you to WIT for its commitment to the project.