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KiCad Version 9.0.1 Release Candidate 1 Available

The first release candidate for version 9.0.1 is available for testing. Version 9.0.1 will be released soon unless critical issues are found in testing this release candidate. There may be additional bug fixes to the 9.0 series available as testing builds for users who require those bugs fixed after 9.0.1 is released. You can obtain the release candidate for your platform here: Windows x86_64 Windows arm64 macOS Ubuntu: Using the 9.
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KiCad Conference North America 2025 Announcement

The KiCad project is excited to announce that after the first ever KiCon in Chicago in 2019 that there will finally be a North American KiCad Conference (KiCon) in San Diego, California, USA from May 28th through the 30th, 2025. The conference will be held at the Qualcomm Institute. Early bird registration ends April 1st. On line registration ends May 25th. This conference is geared towards KiCad users. There will be talks and workshops from users of all skill levels as well as members of the KiCad Lead Development Team.
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Version 9.0.0 Released

The KiCad project is proud to announce the release of the next major version of KiCad. Version 9 is packed with new features, improvements, and hundreds of bug fixes. We hope you enjoy the new version! Head to the KiCad download page to get your copy of the new version (note that some packages may still be in the process of being released at the time this announcement is published). Our thanks go out to everyone who contributed to KiCad this past year. Whether your contribution was large or small, writing code, submitting bug reports, improving our libraries and documentation, or just supporting us financially: your help made a difference.

In accordance with the KiCad stable release policy, version 8 of KiCad will no longer be actively maintained, and we will release bug fix versions of KiCad 9.x over the next year as we develop new features for KiCad 10. Read on to see some of the highlights of the new version!

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KiCad 8.0.9 Release

The KiCad project is proud to announce the version 8.0.9 bug fix release. The 8.0.9 stable version contains critical bug fixes and other minor improvements since the previous release.

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KiCad Version 8.0.9 Release Candidate 1 Available

The first release candidate for version 8.0.9 is available for testing. Version 8.0.9 will be released soon unless critical issues are found in testing this release candidate. This will most likely be the final 8.0 series bug fix release with the release of the 9.0 series is happening soon. There may be additional bug fixes to the 8.0 series available as testing builds for users who require those bugs fixed after 8.
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KiCad Version 9.0.0 Release Candidate 3 Available

The third release candidate for version 9.0.0 is available for testing. Version 9.0.0 will be released soon unless critical issues are found in testing this release candidate. You can obtain the release candidate for your platform here: Windows x86_64 Windows arm64 macOS Ubuntu: Using the nightly builds PPA Fedora: Using the @kicad/kicad COPR Flatpak: Using testing builds You can see a nearly complete list of new features and usability improvements on the "Post-V8 New Features and Development News" on the KiCad User Forum.
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Learn to Code KiCad 2025 and Open Hardware Dinner

Once again, KiCad will host a Learn to Code KiCad event at FOSDEM 2025. This year’s event will be held on Friday, January 31st, 2025, at Atelier des Tanneurs in Brussels, Belgium. The event will be a full day of hands-on KiCad development. The event is free to attend and we’ll provide lunch and snacks. Click here to sign up for the event.

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KiCad 8.0.8 Release

The KiCad project is proud to announce the version 8.0.8 bug fix release. The 8.0.8 stable version contains critical bug fixes and other minor improvements since the previous release.

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2024 End of Year Fund Drive

The end of the year is approaching, and the KiCad project is excited to announce our 2024 End of Year Fund Drive. With the release of KiCad version 9.0 just around the corner, we are looking forward to another successful year of development. Our supporters' contributions have been instrumental in building the features of version 9, and we are counting on your continued support to make version 9 even better!
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KiCad 8.0.7 Release

The KiCad project is proud to announce the version 8.0.7 bug fix release. The 8.0.7 stable version contains critical bug fixes and other minor improvements since the previous release.

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